Upper Jaw Fractures
Fractures of the maxilla can occur when the front of the face smashes against an immovable object, as occurs in a fall from a height or a motor vehicle crash. Some are caused by being hit by a blunt object such as a fist or weapon. Some jaw fractures break only a tooth socket.
Fractures of the maxilla often cause swelling and deformity of the face. Swelling rarely becomes severe enough to block the airway and interfere with breathing. However, any injury forceful enough to fracture the maxilla may also injure the spine in the neck
Other fractures of the maxilla that extend down into the jaw can cause inability to fully open the jaw and a change in the way the teeth fit together.
These fractures separate the upper jaw from the skull and from the rest of the facial skeleton.
These fractures are surgically treated in case they pose problems such as a change in teeth alignment, vision issues, restriction in jaw opening, facial numbness, a sunken eyeball, or an unwanted change in appearance.